Copy of Mind without Walls
Psychoanalysis Meets Buddhism
Service Description
To study the way is to study oneself. To study oneself is to forget oneself. To forget oneself is to be awakened by all things. Master Dogen, Genjo-Koan In this group we approach Eastern and Western psychologies through meditation, contemplative readings, and conversation. We practice guided meditation for personal benefit and to enhance embodied intelligence in our clinical work. Each season we select a basic theme. Our current topic is understanding ill-will in its personal, clinical and political expressions. We are exploring what psychoanalysis and Buddhism teach about why prejudice, aggression and authoritarianism repeat themselves in history, and what are meaningful responses to this. During the past year we have read Erich Fromm’s Escape From Freedom, and excerpts from Simone de Beauvoir’s, The Second Sex, and Frantz Fannon’s Black Skin White Masks. We have also listened to and contemplated talks by Thich Nhat Hanh and Ruby Sales. In previous years, we did close readings of Buddhist sutras including the The Heart Sutra and The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, as well as chapters by Mark Epstein, Wilfred Bion, Donnel Stern, Michael Eigen, Marion Milner, and DW Winnicott.
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